
Exploration Services

Exploration Services

We have a thorough understanding of the JORC code and its associated mechanisms and can assure that with our modern exploration techniques your reports will form a primary showcase of your project to investment audience and regulatory bodies. We ensure that technical information is presented in the most accountable way possible.

Greenfield Reconnaissance 

Our exploration company has a very skilled and qualified team with a wide experience in large-scale remote sensing and on-site survey and can expressly detect the presence of economic mineral potential before your company invests in a mineral title, in any area of interest. We trust that our pool of expertise can reduce and shorten your financial risks.

Airborne and Ground Geophysical Survey

• Experts in the construction, and operation of airborne geophysical systems.
• Our team Supervised over 15 million km of airborne geophysical surveys globally.
• All methods – mag, radiometric, gravity, EM
• Vast experience in the planning, collection, processing, and interpretation of ground and airborne geophysical data
• Full data processing and high-level modelling capability
• Drill targeting and analysis
• Globally recognized interpretation team – Nigerian Experienced

Geological Mapping, Geochemical Sampling & Laboratory Analysis

• Global experts in mineral and petroleum geology
• Extensive experience in Nigerian geology and minerals – already undertaken regional interpretation projects in Nigeria
• Specialist in highly structurally complex terranes
• Litho-structural interpretation of exploration and mining tenements.
• Target definition and understanding of orebody formation.
• Modelling of geophysical targets
• Mineral and geochemical sampling
• Trenching and bulk sampling
• Strong focus on integrating geological concepts with various data to provide most cost-effective option for clients
• Management and training of local geological experts
• Competent staff – sign off to JORC standard
• Our team is currently engaged to manage programs for some of the world’s largest mining companies

Drilling & Logistics Support

Drilling & Logistics Support

Titan Minerals Limited seeks to deliver modern drilling techniques with Air Core, Diamond or Core Drilling, Reverse Circulation capabilities, drill and blast rigs for the mining industry.

We have recently acquired an air Core/RAB rig that is the first of its kind on Nigerian soil. Air Core/RAB is commonly used in first-pass exploration drill programs and can be used as a tool to increase the confidence on a particular prospect before investing heavily in RC and Diamond Drilling.

Our crew that consists of senior drill managers, geologists, logging geologists, geo-technicians, mechanical technicians, among others, will take care of all aspects of the programme. We also manage operations in remote areas with an access to heavy-duty equipment that ensure efficient operational success. We take care of Laboratories and make sure that core and/or chips get logged, sampled and modelled to perfection. We use our own standard operating procedures, which are based on international best practice.
Often, smaller companies may not have the technical staff in-house to carry out their intended drilling programmes. Our mining company provides you with consultants who have relevant experience with most commodities and mineralization styles and who have managed similar programmes in Nigeria and many other countries. We can design any drilling programme to suit your requirements.

Key Capabilities:

• Multipurpose drill rigs
• Air Core/RAB drilling
• Diamond and RC capability
• Mineral sampling and assay capability
• Skilled core logging teams
• Reflex Camera Down hole survey
• Established logistical support for remote operations anywhere in Nigeria or surrounding countries
• 12 years operational experience in Nigeria
• Large fleet of vehicles and equipment:
• 4wd vehicles
• Dozers
• Excavators and loaders
• Trucks
• Generators
• Support staff
• Deployment of remote camps
• Sample bags, Standard referenced material, geological supplies
• Security and safety
• Communications

Geological Consulting

Geological Consulting

As a leading Mineral exploration company, Titan Minerals Limited provides tailor-made consulting services across the full geological spectrum. Our team includes high caliber Senior Geological Consultants with unique know-how and experience in modern exploration techniques, geology, geophysics, geoscience, drilling, assaying and sample analysis. We aim at building on our on-going global associations, relationships and affiliations to help support our team deliver ideal geological solutions customized to the Nigerian market and clients.

Mine Studies, Feasibility & Financing

• Advance beyond exploration toward development
• JORC Code – Compliant Reporting
• Compete Person Reports
• Resource and Reserve modelling and sign-off
• Metallurgical testing and Laboratory Audits
• Mining, process and transport studies
• QA/QC Reviews
• Technical due diligence
• Tenement Management
• Marketing and offtake studies
• Management of the consulting process
• Investment banking advisory for funding of exploration and development
• Alliances with mining financiers in Australia and London.
• Alliances with PR firms and major mining industry publications
• Company and asset structuring to access international public funding
• Management of marketing and public relations programs to promote Nigerian mining
• Public listing to TSX, ASX, SE and AIM

Training & Skills Transfer

• Key technical specialists who have lectured at tertiary level
• All aspects of exploration and development process
• Alliances with Australian government geoscience agencies and academic institutions
• Skilled in the hands-on training of local geoscience professionals
• GIS training
• Can arrange cooperative projects with outside agencies